Retail & Trade

Speck Pumpen Kundenstory

Mobile Pump-Experts Make Data Flow Secure

Case Study: Speck Pumpen

Thanks to Cortado, Speck Pumpen’s on-site engineers and field sales representatives can carry on using apps, like WhatsApp, on their phones, without infringing the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Grupp-Firmengebäude, Nattheim

Woodworking Machines on the iPad

Case Study: Maschinen-Grupp GmbH

Maschinen-Grupp GmbH is one of the leading dealers of woodworking machines in Germany. Throughout the entire country, the company’s sales representatives and technicians advise and assist woodworking companies in choosing and maintaining or repairing the machines. The variety of equipment and machines presented the employees with major challenges on their customer visits in the past. All information about possible solutions was supposed to be available so that the customer can get an impression. However, the employees did not always have the right documents with them.

MDM for Worldwide Fashion Label - Case Study

Documents always up to date

Case Study: Worldwide Fashion

The sales reps of the international fashion chain Worldwide Fashion are to be given the ability to print documents in any branch office with an iOS or Android device or to transmit them to other branches.