ROI Calculator
Discover why investing in Cortado MDM is a smart choice for your company. Just select a number of devices and see exactly how and where our mobile device management solution can save you money.
Your savings with Cortado MDM
Costs without Cortado MDM:
Costs with Cortado MDM:
$ 7,012.50
$ 4,391.50
Your savings with Cortado MDM:
$ 2,621

Detailed calculation
Results for:
Number of devices: 10 units | Recommended subscription: Cortado Basic
Price per device per month (billed annually): 7.50 USD
Annual fees for Cortado MDM Monthly fee ($7.50 per device) in the recommended plan (Basic Plus) and billing model (annually) for the given number of devices summed up for one year. | –– | $ 900 | – $ 900 |
IT implementation costs (one-time) One-time fee for the initial setup by our team ($499) plus IT working hours (12 hours) valued at an IT hourly rate ($35) | –– | $ 919 | – $ 919 |
Device provisioning (one-time)
Time required for provisioning the given number of devices without Cortado MDM (0.75 hours per device) compared to device provisioning with Cortado MDM (0.15 hours per device), evaluated at an IT hourly rate ($35) | $ 262.50 | $ 52.50 | + $ 210 |
Training of employees in handling smartphones and tablets Costs for training materials without Cortado MDM ($30 per employee) compared to the costs with Cortado MDM ($0, as training materials are included!) plus lost work hours due to training (2 hours per employee) evaluated at an average hourly rate ($35) | $ 1,000 | $ 700 | + $ 300 |
Installation and updating of apps Time required for app management without Cortado MDM (0.20 hours per device per month) compared to the effort with Cortado MDM (0.05 hours per device per month) for the given number of devices (10 units) evaluated at the IT hourly rate ($35) | $ 840 | $ 210 | + $ 630 |
Security and policy management Time required for manual updating and enforcement of security settings and policies without Cortado MDM (0.20 hours per device per month) compared to centralized management with Cortado MDM (0.05 hours per device per month) for the given number of devices (10 units), evaluated at the IT hourly rate ($35) | $ 840 | $ 210 | + $ 630 |
IT support effort
Help desk ticket volume and processing time without Cortado MDM (8 tickets per device per year | 0.70 hours per ticket) compared to volume and processing time with Cortado MDM (4 tickets per device per year | 0.50 hours per ticket), evaluated at the IT hourly rate ($35) | $ 1,960 | $ 700 | + $ 1,260 |
Productivity losses Lost working hours of end users due to technical issues without Cortado MDM (8 tickets per device per year | 0.70 h per ticket) compared to lost working hours with Cortado MDM (4 tickets per device per year | 0.50 h per ticket), evaluated at the employee hourly rate ($35) | $ 1,960 | $ 700 | + $ 1,260 |
Risk of device losses due to missing access data
Likelihood of missing device IDs (Apple ID, Google Account) without Cortado MDM (2%) evaluated with an average value per device ($750 per device) compared to the elimination of this risk with Cortado MDM | $ 150 | –– | + $ 150 |
Overall savings with Cortado MDM:
+ $ 2,621

You have questions or want to determine your individual ROI?
Contact us.