Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

BYOD with Maximum Protection for
Privacy and Corporate Data

Business apps, especially email, on private smartphones and tablets are on the rise. With Cortado MDM, we provide you with the ideal solution for securing devices and data. And since BYOD can only be successful if it has the confidence of end users, we’ve put privacy, transparency and user-friendliness at the heart of our solution.


Private smartphone at work? Keep things separate and secure.

Bring Your Own Device stands for any policy that allows employees to have access to company data and work apps on their private devices. The benefits are obvious: higher employee satisfaction, lower hardware costs and increased productivity.

When employees use their own smartphones or tablets to access work emails, documents and other data, the IT team is confronted with special challenges. Cortado MDM is the ideal mobile device management solution for this.

  • Clear separation of private and business data
    Native containerization of corporate data ensures strict separation of business and private areas.
  • Complete privacy protection
    Private emails, photos and all other private data remain solely in the control and view of the device owner.
  • Secured corporate data
    MDM administrators conveniently secure and manage corporate accounts, applications and data remotely.

BYOD with Cortado MDM:
Keeping the End User in Focus


iPhone, iPad and Android into two in-one devices

Checking business emails, viewing a document, or participating in a team chat – let employees use their favorite personal device for business purposes as well. With Cortado MDM, you can activate and secure iOS and Android devices for work in no time at all.


Email, Wi-Fi, VPN and apps at the push of a button

With the help of our BYOD app, users set up their private device for work with just a few clicks. The remotely configured business email account, Wi-Fi, VPN and work apps are transferred to employees’ smartphones and tablets at the touch of a button.


What’s Private, Stays Private

The BYOD app not only takes care of device setup, but also ensures that private data is kept 100% separate from work data. Private apps, files and accounts remain under full control of the device owner, staying invisible and untouchable by any else.


Work in compliance with SCC, HIPAA, CCPA and EU-GDPR

Cortado MDM provides all the tools you need to operate smartphones and tablets in compliance with privacy regulations like HIPAA, SCC, CCPA, or EU-GDPR. For example, you can ensure that company contact details are not leaked to private apps or that files are not uploaded to unmanageable cloud systems.


Constant control via a dedicated BYOD app

A traffic light in the dashboard of the BYOD app informs users whether their device is properly set up for work and is being used. In addition to personal settings, users can also access the business app store here and download and update apps provided by the company.


Easy-to-understand sample agreement

With our BYOD sample agreement, we make onboarding as easy as can be. The template for contractual arrangements with BYOD participants contains a concrete proposal for subsidizing employee devices and ensures the best possible transparency for all parties involved. Download BYOD sample contract →

Secure BYOD & Effectively Protect Company Data

With Cortado MDM, you create the ideal basis for your BYOD program. These features should not be missing when using private employee devices.

  • Managed workspaces
    Integrate BYOD users into your MDM system and equip private devices with a managed workspace.
  • Profile configurations
    Set up the accounts needed to work, such as email, Wi-Fi and VPN, centrally in the MDM console and push updates to devices.
  • Manage work apps
    Make apps from public app stores and company-owned apps available to users for installation.
  • Password protection
    Enforce a device passcode and define minimum security code requirements.
  • Remote wipe in case of device loss
    If a device goes missing, you can remotely wipe the work container – and only the work container – with all corporate data from the device.

For a complete list of Cortado MDM features, see our Feature Matrix.