Case Study: Burnaby Lake Greenhouses
The Mission:
Executive management needs to review, create and print e-mails without a laptop. Mobile sales force and buyers need hard copies of documents.
The Solution:
Executive management can print and email while mobile, freeing up the administrative staff that previously did this. Mobile workforce can print large documents and fill them out on the spot.
The Result:
Convenient, saves time with increased productivity; users do not have to take laptops with them nor do they need a PC at home to print attachments. Administrators are free to do other tasks. Overall cost savings.
I love that I can print from my BlackBerry. I haven’t turned my laptop on since the Cortado Client was installed on my BlackBerry.
- Industry: Agriculture Wholesaler
- Solution: Cortado Server
- Hardware: BlackBerry smartphones, Bluetooth-enabled and network printer
- Environment: BlackBerry Enterprise Server